Simplicity and sobriety

No superfluous effects, few videos, no pop-up windows, optimised images, just three colours... Our site goes straight to the essentials to give you the right practical information and encourage you to enjoy our campsite.

Easy access

With strong contrasts, carefully calculated button sizes and invisible information for adapted software, our site adapts to disabilities. We have based our site on the RGAA Bronze standard.

Green hosting

So we're not talking about a tent or a chalet, but an IT service provider who stores the website's data in green databases. This is a really energy-intensive activity, but we've chosen an infrastructure :

  • produces most of its own electricity (solar and wind power),
  • uses reconditioned equipment
  • that recovers the heat generated by its servers

Progress initiative

This work on our web interface is shared with all Brive Tourisme structures. Our aim is to develop and improve these tools as we go along. We're also looking to share this innovation so that it can convince all the professionals in our business to take the plunge... and reduce their digital carbon footprint.

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